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Inspired Active Meditation  — A Busy Mind's Delight

Broadly speaking, passive meditation refers to observing the thought process, feeling, or breath without judgement. Active meditation is inquiring about a particular subject. E.g. in passive meditation practice, we observe the breath and in active meditation practice, we inquire into who is observing the breath and/or what is the breath. It's an advanced form of meditation that often eludes us. To experience this approach to meditation, I offer a process that begins with journaling and I provide tangible and relatable inquiry subjects.


As a way of directing our thoughts toward what we want to attract/experience, Inspired Active Meditation is an energizing approach to meditation that follows us off the mat. 

Inspired Active Meditation 101

Step One –  We choose a topic of inquiry — I always choose based on the energy of the Moon according to yogic teaching;

Step Two – Write It Out: We journal about the point of focus ( I provide the questions); and
Step Three – Meditate: We contemplate, envision and embody the point of focus (I guide the process). 


You Will Experience:

  • An inquiry process to support this Inspired Active Meditative experience; 

  • How to develop the inquiry; and 

  • How to include repetition when we lose our focus. 

What you need:

  • Journal & pen;

  • Comfortable meditation seat; and

  • A place to lie down for guided relaxation.


If you appreciate meditation, if you want to learn about meditation, or if you identify as an overthinker, join us and experience the potential of this inspired, active approach to meditation. 

Date: Tuesday, April 23 

Focus: Prāna. Love. Abundance.
Time: 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Fee: $25

I will send the zoom link at 6:30 p.m.


Inspired Active Meditation 101

Using the thought process to direct the gift of our attention towards what we want to attract.  Want to know more about Inspired Active Meditation? Read my article — Inspired Active Meditation: A Worriers Delight.


Sylvie Gouin

Minister of Holistic Theology, Certified Yoga Therapist, Registered Yoga Teacher E-RYT 500,
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Specialist & Brain Longevity®Specialist


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