Yoga Therapy
Don't wait until you have the time and energy to take care of yourself. Take care of yourself and feel your time and energy expand to new possibilities.
Unique approach
As a spiritual practice, as a philosophy and as a lifestyle aimed at harmonizing our individual nature, yoga therapy provides a unique approach to the reduction of stress and increase in overall energy.
Starting point
Regardless of what we are experiencing, whether it's the demands of everyday living, an illness, work issues, change or... reducing stress and increasing energy is at the heart of our well-being. And, according to yoga and Ayurveda the way stress manifests and the process to reduce stress and increase energy varies according to our constitution.
How does your stress manifest?
Anxiety, nervousness, insomnia
Inflammation, irritability, impatience
Fatigue, heaviness, dullness
How does your energy reveal itself?
Understanding, creative, nurturing
Focused, determined, good leader
Supportive, content, calm​
Once we clarify your starting point and strengths, finding the lifestyle approach to help you return to your centre of balance is much easier.
My role
As a yoga therapist my role is to provide you with the tools for self-inquiry and to guide you to the ideal practices that will allow you to stop trying to manage your stress and instead learn to manage your energy. When we have an abundance of well-managed energy, negative stress can't blossom.
There are a variety of ways to reduce stress and increase energy. Yoga therapy helps us find our way.
Learn More
Breath and awakening the diaphragm
Healed. Energized. Relaxed. - Guided visualization
Time: Yoga Therapy sessions are 75 minutes
Fee: $150
Dates: Private sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am currently booking for March of 2025
Process: On average, people see me for six private yoga therapy sessions. It could be weekly, biweekly and, in some cases, monthly. It depends on your starting point and goals. Our sessions include conversation and specific yoga practices. Recommendations vary and can include meditation, breathing techniques, dietary suggestions and more. We make sure that the recommendations can be integrated gradually for lasting results.
For more details or to book your first session, please contact me at: