About Me
On a personal note
I have a devotional approach to life; taking care of my home and feeding my people are part of what energizes me. I love rebounding, cycling, swimming in the ocean, skating and creating large abstract paintings. I am a vegetarian (30 years).
Healing Through Yoga
I use to be a worrier but I had enough of its depleting effect so, through the brilliance of yoga, I changed the pattern. I have healed my body of various injuries and I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis as a teenager but no longer have any symptoms. I have healed emotional wounds, risen out of poverty and its mentality and I have transformed depleting habits into inspiring rituals.
I Believe
I believe in the power of thoughts, words and rituals; that before we look at our darkness we need to bring the light.
Professional Experience
Over the past 25 years, I have taught thousands of classes as well as a variety of workshops and teacher training programs and I am still as passionate today as I was then.
My main influences are David Frawley (Ayurveda), Georg Feuerstein (Philosophy), Marcia Soloman (Asanas), and Marshall Govindam (Kriya yoga).
Studios — Inspired Living — Writings
My first yoga studio was Core-Elation Yoga — I then united in partnership and co-owned Elation Centre. In 2011, after a big move and some reshifting, I created Inspired Living with Sylvie and wrote my first book, Inspired Living a Guided Yoga Journal. I have written articles for elephant journal, yogi times and sweat equity and published my latest book Bite-Sized Yoga for Daily Inspiration in 2019.
Turning Worries into Inspirations: A Five-step Ritual
As a result of my personal experience and that of consulting privately with women wanting to rise above worry, in 2021 I created the beautiful self-paced ritual — Turning Worries into Inspiration: A Five-Step Ritual.

"Your essay shows not only that you’ve assimilated the essential teachings of Yoga very well but also are championing the ‘real thing’.” — Georg Feuerstein’s PhD.
Georg was a world-renowned traditional yogi and author of over 50 books on the subject.
This was his comment on my final essay for the 800-hour history, literature, and philosophy of yoga course ( 2007)

Teacher training with Sylvie Gouin is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. Although she has the wealth of knowledge and experiential wisdom of a true master, Sylvie's humility and down-to-earth approach to the profound teachings of yoga are unique. As a full-time teacher in Ottawa for close to a decade, I can honestly say that when a student asks me to recommend a teacher training program, without hesitation, I always refer Sylvie!” Eryn Kirkwood (erynsyoga.com)
"I have been a student of Sylvie's for more than 10 years. I have benefitted from her talent, wisdom, insights, inspiration, and humour, as both a yoga teacher and life coach. I have attended Sylvie's yoga classes, workshops, 500-hour teacher training and received a personalized Ayurvedic astrology report - all of which have exceeded my expectations! I am now a yoga teacher myself and am still learning every day. I can honestly say that my life is more meaningful as I continue to deepen my yoga practice with Sylvie's ongoing guidance and support." Alison Tait

"Inspired Living Yoga Teacher Training with Sylvie Gouin was a life changing experience for me. The depth of knowledge that Sylvie brings to her teacher training is truly inspiring and profound. In this training I was challenged and supported both intellectually and emotionally. Additionally the guest speakers and other teachers who joined this training were highly skilled and shared their knowledge with sincerity and interest. I have taken many other teacher training courses in the past however this course exceeded all of my previous experiences and indeed my expectations. It was a wonderful opportunity I will cherish, share and never forget. Thank you Sylvie Gouin " Laura Fowler Massie
Thank you for your wise guidance...
Thank you for your tender smile from the heart....
Thank you for your generosity in sharing your wide and profound knowledge....
Thank you for being the curious student and the solid teacher...

“When I first registered into Sylvie’s YTT, it was for the purpose of supporting my own multiple sclerosis (MS) healing journey. I wanted to learn about myself and self-heal by experiencing the mind-body connection through the spiritual path of yoga. When I first met Sylvie, I automatically connected with her. In addition to her presence, energy and wisdom, which all have the ability to heal in itself, her small and intimate YYT classes created an environment that inspired me to experience the beauties of yoga along with like-minded people. Thanks to this experience, yoga is now an integral part of how I experience my everyday life, which has also supported not only the mind-body connection of healing my MS but also my path in being of services to others as a social work counselor. I am so thankful that this woman crossed my path, there are not enough words to describe this feeling.” Lucille Villasenore-Caron

If you are looking to take your life to the next level..., Sylvie Gouin IS IT! By working with her you embody and infuse all that you are with love. That then becomes exactly how you shine." Natalie Cameron, Myofascial Therapist
"Sylvie is eloquent & highly skilled in breaking down the complexities of ayurvedic astrology into digestible, bite-sized, practical and FUNstrategies to take which support me in being proactive and empowered as I take responsible steps towards my goals"!! Eileen Scully Ottawa, Ontario

"Yoga Teacher Training with Sylvie is a heart-opening,life-changing experience.Sylvie is an incredible wealth of knowledge, and yet she gently encourages you to find your own place and your own fit within yoga. Sylvie guides you on this beautiful journey with her unique blend of wisdom, faith, and love.Because of Sylvie and her guidance, I have full confidence in my ability to teach and share yoga both on and off the mat." April Murphy
"Sylvie embodies the essence of Yoga. By lovingly, sharing her wisdom, she shines a light on her students to move towards Yoga and discover the teachings in the way that serves them." Terry Sarrazin

"Among the greatest gifts, I have given to myself is time spent with Sylvie, soaking in her presence and benefiting from her knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. Sylvie listens with deep empathy, then speaks the truth of she feels, sees and hears. She blends her keen insight with authenticity, warmth and genuine interest. I trust Sylvie to always start where I am and to lovingly and thoughtfully shine a light in the places where I am struggling to see. Her understanding and application of the ancient wisdom and practice of Ayurveda and yoga to help ease suffering and inspire growth is phenomenal. She has been instrumental in helping me to embrace my own potential and shine, shine, shine. " Jenni Tipper
In 2009, I had the great pleasure, of studying with Sylvie Gouin and am a proud graduate of Yoga Teacher Training and Registered Yoga Teacher. Yoga wasn’t new to me, I had been practicing, on and off for some years. But, I felt an urge to learn more about the practice, a little nervous, I might add as to what I might be getting myself into, an opening up of Pandora’s Box. Although, as the training moved along, it led to this beautiful gateway of Self-Inquiry and places just waiting for me to arrive, a gentle invitation, to learn, discover and grow.The experience transformed my life. Through this training, combined with self-development work and a heck of a lot of faith, I birthed Uplift Consulting – which marries up Yoga and my background in Business.I’m honored to share with you insightful resources that I have gathered that have helped many people along their path. To use tools that help to ‘Know Thyself’ –
is the greatest gift you can give to yourself." Paula Pyne, MBA, RYT
I have just completed Sylvie Gouin’s 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. I heard about Sylvie from my own Yoga Instructor, was curious about her training program, and then met her. What can I say? I’ve never looked back. Sylvie is by far the best teacher I have ever encountered both within my professional and personal life. Her knowledge of all aspects of Yoga is extensive and her style of teaching is inspirational, confidence building and fun. This program has truly been a life changer for me and has inspired me to open my own private yoga studio. Sylvie, I cannot thank you enough for opening me up to the multi-faceted dimensions of Hatha Yoga and for giving me the opportunity to learn from you".Elaine Sicoli Program Manager, Export Development Canada and Yoga teacher
“Taking my Yoga Teacher Training with Sylvie is the best decision I have ever made. Every moment spent studying and practicing with Sylvie always feels like I am in the right place. Her energy is so peaceful, and her passion, knowledge, and wisdom are incredibly inspiring and nourishing. She is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met. It would be the most amazing thing to have a portable mini-Sylvie to accompany me in my day-to-day life after I've completed my YTT because I will very much miss her energy and wisdom (and delicious home-cooked vegan meals).” Josée Gonthier
"The Ayurvedic astrology consultation with Sylvie was very nourishing to the spirit! I learned a great deal about myself and gained much clarity. The consultation provides you with practical steps to help you work towards your goals and encourage your potential. Sylvie is truly a gifted teacher, sharing knowledge and wisdom in a way that leaves you feeling deeply satisfied and inspired." Jennifer Skuce
“When I decided to sign up for the 500-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Sylvie Gouin, I had no idea I was embarking on a life-enriching journey that would dramatically enhance my relationships with others and with myself. But this is exactly what I experienced. With her vast knowledge of yoga philosophy, her many years of experience as a teacher, and her strong commitment to living a yogic lifestyle, Sylvie provided the perfect environment for the advanced study of yoga. From yoga philosophy and foundational texts, to yoga practices and tools (asana, meditation, mantra, pranayama, etc.), to practical teaching techniques and tips, nutrition, ethics, and so much more, this course presented a wealth of information and insights in an accessible way and provided direction and inspiration for further study. Guided by a truly devoted and gifted teacher, supported by a small community of dedicated yoga teachers committed to the same path, and given the time and space to study, practice, and integrate all of the teachings, I not only gained the tools, experience, knowledge, and confidence I was seeking to help me become a better yoga teacher, but also discovered a deeper commitment to my own practice and to living a life of purpose through yoga. I highly recommend this course to any teacher who wants to grow as both a teacher and student of yoga, and who is open to looking within to find a renewed connection with the gifts of the practice.” Jennifer Wrightsell-Hughes
“Bonjour Sylvie, Je tiens à te témoigner mes sincères remerciements pour la formation de prof de yoga que tu nous as offerte à l'été 2012. Avec un peu de recul, je peux te dire que cette formation a déclenché toute une transformation en moi. Cette expérience a engagé mon être dans sa totalité et a piqué ma curiosité à un point tel que je continue à étudier sans relâche pour mieux répondre aux questions de mes étudiants, pour continuer mon apprentissage des huit membres du yoga et parfaire mes connaissances. Depuis que j'ai reçu ma certification, tu as placé des occasions d'enseignement sur mon chemin, tu m'as donné de judicieux conseils lorsque j'ai fait appel à ta sagesse et tu m'as aidée à enlever des obstacles pour que je puisse continuer mon évolution en tant que prof de yoga. Quel bonheur que nos chemins se soient croisés! ” Luce Napert
The Yoga Teacher Training with Sylvie Gouin is a valuable experience for any yoga student whether s/he wants to teach or enhance their learning. Sylvie is a patient and intelligent teacher. She clearly embodies the yogic philosophy and shares this knowledge and experience in a kind and gentle approach.” Stefania Moffatt
“It has been a great joy to be one of Sylvie’s teachers for over ten years now. Her perspective on yoga is both broad and deep, encompassing her interest in a number of schools of yoga asana and philosophy. Eager, inquisitive and modest students make the very best teachers, so you would be wise to explore the world of yoga with Sylvie.”– Marcia Solomon,yogaworkshop.com (2007)
"Wow Wow-I just had an Ayurvedic astrology reading with Sylvie Gouin -amazing!" Heather Garrod Owner Planet Botanix
“Thank you so much for the yoga teacher training. It was far more enlightening than I had imagined.” Anne Glasgow
********. IF. **********
If you have been contemplating Inspired Yoga teacher training
but are so busy listening to the aspect of your mind that tells you that you are not young enough, articulate enough, smart enough, strong enough, confident enough ,outgoing enough .......
STOP. .......and listen to your inner wisdom that compels you to dream and begin the most wonderful journey of Y.T.T
**************** IF *****************
You seek the gift of health for mind, body, and spirit
You seek a place where all ages and levels of practice are welcomed
You seek a teacher who is kind, nurturing and lives her life according to the moral values of yoga philosophy
You seek to be the best person you can be , and to feel the kundalini energy rising
You seek the tools to help you, to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind
You seek to fear less, hope more, compare less,love more, frown less, laugh more, whine less and breathe more
THIS INSPIRED YTT is for you. If you are contemplating, THINK NO MORE and Give yourself this special gift whether your goal is to teach or to deepen your practice. Gillean Macdonald
"The Ayurvedic astrology consultation by Sylvie was truly and greatly transformative. It introduced me to the deep goodness in myself allowing me to shine and share with others. Sylvie's magic is in her depth of knowledgeable and true ability to inspire and bring out the best. This consultation also provides many practical ideas to bring out your deep potential. Once again Sylvie's gift far exceeded any expectations I had. A perfect treat for yourself and others in your life !" Sue Ducros October 2015
"Doing the Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Program with Sylvie has been a transforming experience for me. We achieved our 200 hours YTT over a period of nine months, which was a fantastic way to deepen our practice. Under the supportive guidance of Sylvie, we learned the many aspects of yoga. I became much more aware of the relationship between my body, mind, and spirit. Her book, "Inspired Living, A Guided Yoga Journal" was the perfect teaching tool. She encouraged us to keep our own journal which made me more aware of my thought-process and how it influences my life. Sylvie was very dedicated to each one of us and always helped us to take the next step and overcome our fears. She led us in many vinyasa yoga classes and modeled so well how to guide us in a clear and inspiring way. We progressively learned to become more confident in our capacity to guide an asana and later a yoga class. She herself is totally engaged in exemplifying the many aspects of yoga. She certainly "walks the talk". Each weekend in her company was a source of inspiration. She encouraged me to live my life to higher standards and I now feel prepared to share with others the great benefits of yoga".
Claudette Carrière
"Sylvie is such a genuine and beautiful person, egoless in her teachings, and clearly more than just impassioned – her devotion to sharing her love of yoga is pure and compelling. Regardless of where you are on your yoga journey – absolute beginner to experienced practitioner, she will inspire you to inspire yourself to deepen your yoga practice". Madeleine Montelongo
“Sylvie’s teaching is truly inspiring and a testament to her own journey on the yoga path. She is most generous with the sharing of her vast knowledge and experience of yoga. I felt genuinely supported every step of the way as my inner transformation unfolded, and I am deeply grateful for the gift of her wise and compassionate presence on my yoga journey”. - Diane Fournier
"Sylvie's Vedic astrology reading was really interesting, insightful and practical. As always she approaches everything with kindness, respect and compassion. Her many years of study of the different arms of Ayurvedic philosophy became very evident as she drew from multiple areas of study when presenting her reading. She clearly explained significant aspects of my chart and how they applied to my life. Vedic astrology is different from western astrology so I found her approach was new and interesting. She took the time to explain everything new clearly while we discussed my chart. She provided a variety of practical suggestions to enhance my daily life. As well, she suggested some oils and gemstones, yoga postures and a mantra specifically for me as indicated from my chart. All very manageable and interesting. The printout Sylvie gave me was concise and filled with practical and manageable suggestions. Helpful to have for later on. I would certainly recommend a reading with Sylvie whenever possible. Thank- you Sylvie I really enjoyed and learned a lot from our session together". Sue-Anne Ottawa, Ontario September 2015 astrologicalreadings.ca
“I taught Sylvie Gouin the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali directly from the Sanskrit verses. She explored the interpretations of the Yoga SÅ«tras with a genuine interest and passion. Sylvie believes in the greatness of the human potential and loves sharing it with anyone she teaches or meets. I would recommend Sylvie as a dedicated teacher of yoga since she offers a definite depth of awareness.” — Lynne Cardinal, Kaivalya.ca (2000)